As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches and we count our many blessings, we are once again reminded of what a genuine privilege it is for all of us at The Robin’s Nest to work with you and your children.

We would like to say THANK YOU for all the support we have received in the way of donations, classroom adoptions, mission support, and our wonderful PAC volunteers! We appreciate everything you do and feel truly thankful and blessed.


With the cooler weather approaching, we’d like to remind you to label jackets and sweaters and perhaps exchange long pants in your child’s extra clothes bag at school.


On Thursday, November 17th, and Friday, November 18th, the children will celebrate Thanksgiving with a special feast snack. To help with the celebration, we ask that each child bring in a specific food item. Look for the feast sign-up sheet posted outside your child’s classroom. This is not a party for parents to attend, it is just a class celebration at snack time.


We are so excited to have Giving Tree Music host a drum circle for our children. Every child will play drums, dance, and create some awesome music. The children really let loose and have fun with this show. Giving Tree Music brings its drumming program to the school on Wednesday, November 9th. Their only rule- “if you don’t drum, you have to dance!!!”

Peacemakers Program for VPK

This is a four-week Anti-Violence & Healthy Relationship Curriculum which nurtures values of peace and justice. In addition to teaching students how to resolve conflict in a calm and kind manner, they learn about their individuality and respect for one another’s uniqueness. We LOVE this program. Mrs. Kim and Mr. John come to our VPK classrooms once a week and the children really enjoy the Peacemaker sessions. More information will be sent home as these sessions start.


This is an exciting event for the children! The shop will be open December 5th – 14th. All children will have the opportunity during school to do some Christmas shopping for their family, grandparents, and other loved ones. There are many volunteer opportunities available! All proceeds from the Santa Shop help keep our classroom equipment and curriculum current and new.  Watch your child’s bag/folder for more information.


The Robin’s Nest is excited to present Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 10th  in the multi-purpose room. The breakfast includes pancakes, eggs, sausage, and beverages. Your child will have an opportunity to visit with Santa so bring your camera! Advance reservations are required. Tickets are $10.00 on sale beginning Monday, November 7th in the school office (children under two are free, but must share a seat).


Nov. 3rd & 4th  … PAC meeting

Nov. 7th – Dec. 1st … Breakfast with Santa Tickets on sale

Nov. 9th … Giving Tree Drum Show

Nov. 15th … Special Chapel for 5 day 3’s

Nov. 17th & 18th … Thanksgiving Feasts

Nov. 21st – 25th … School Closed – Happy Thanksgiving!

Dec. 1st & 2nd … PAC meetings

Dec. 5th – 14th … Santa Shop

Dec. 10th … Breakfast with Santa

Dec. 19th … Christmas Program