We hope you had a happy and restful holiday season. Welcome back!
It’s wonderful to see all the children back in school. We know the holidays are always busy, yet we had many parents volunteering their time. We thank all of you who have volunteered at The Robin’s Nest during the year. Parent participation is very important to the school and the children love it too! The children enjoyed a busy and exciting holiday season at The Robin’s Nest. On the evening of December 4th more than 500 people attended the annual Christmas program presented by Mrs. Gwynda Patterson and The Robin’s Nest children. The children had a wonderful performance. Breakfast with Santa was a fun and festive morning for children and their families on December 6. Robin’s Nest wants to thank Waffle House and Sam Norman for sponsoring our breakfast this year. We are so blessed to have such wonderful support. We would also like to thank our parent volunteers, cooks, and elves for making Breakfast with Santa a success.
Santa Shop
A big thank you to Jill Pearen, Jennifer Baier, Kayla Marsh, Allyson Amende, and all of our volunteers for their help with shopping, organizing, wrapping, and staffing the Santa shop. The Santa Shop would not be the success it is without you!
Children’s Book Release
The Robin’s Nest is very excited to announce one of our own teachers, Sylvia Karalis, who has published and released her first children’s booked titled, “Jimmy Handstand”. This is a story of care, compassion and downright wacky fun! Sylvia has received wonderful reviews on amazon.com. Bravo Mrs. Karalis!
Snack Helper
If it is your child’s turn for snack and your child is absent or you forget to bring it, we do keep crackers and apple juice on hand for emergencies. We ask when you return that you please replenish the emergency supply in the office with a nutritional snack. Thank you!
Registration for 2015-2016 School Year
Registration begins February! To register for next year’s program, parents are required to complete a new set of application forms. Please be sure to fill out the application completely. When you fill out the emergency pick up form, please be sure to put the full address as well as the phone number for each person you have listed. A non-refundable registration fee is required at the time of registering. It is not necessary to get a new health and immunization forms unless you are notified that your current forms are expired.
We are happy to inform you that the following businesses and/or families have adopted a classroom:
Gordon Heal Plumbing, Inc.
Raichel and Cory Moreira
Dress Code
Dress code reminder: For the safety of the children no sandals, open-toed, or open-back shoes are to be worn to school. Girls who are wearing a dress to school must wear shorts. (Please refer to your parent handbook for all the policies and procedures).
Your child must be kept home if any symptoms of illness are evident. Your child must be symptom free (including but not limited to fever, diarrhea, vomiting, runny nose, and cough) for 24 hours before returning to school. Your child will be sent home if symptoms develop during the day. Thank you for your cooperation.
Dates to Remember
Jan. 8 & 9 PAC meeting at 9:15 a.m. in room A201
Jan. 16 Lunch purchase not available for lunch bunch or extended day students
Jan. 19 School closed – Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Jan. 22 Timeless Tales Theater
Feb. 3 Registration begins
Feb. 16 School closed – Professional Education Day
Feb. 17 & 18 Class pictures and graduation pictures
Feb. 23 Dads Night
Feb. 23 – 27 Book Fair
Reminder: If your child is in the two’s class please send in diapers and wipes to use for diaper