It’s hard to believe that December is upon us already. As we begin this holiday season and are faced with the many events, “have-to-do’s” and “have-to-get-done’s,” I urge you to keep in mind the true meaning of Christmas. It is a time of God showing His great love for us; a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus; a time to invite Him into our hearts and a time to Rejoice! And so, as you celebrate your faith and family this holiday season… The Robin’s Nest wishes the light of the Christmas star to you the warmth of home and hearth to you; the cheer and good will of friends to you; the hope of a childlike heart to you; the joy of a thousand angels to you; the love of the Son and God’s peace to you!  ENJOY the season!


The Robin’s Nest annual Santa Shop will be open Dec. 5 – 9th! This is a special store for children to shop for gifts for everyone in their family. All items are priced$3, $4, & $5. It’s a wonderful opportunity for children to experience the joy of shopping on their own for their family and friends. Look for shopping gift lists to be sent home with your child. Your child’s teacher will let you know the day their class will shop. Please return your child’s shopping list to their teacher by Friday, Dec. 2nd. Unfortunately if a shopping list with the enclosed payment is not turned in by that date, your child will be unable to shop. If you have more than one child shopping, they must have their own shopping list to be able to shop with their class. Additional forms are available in the Robin’s Nest office.


We invite you to share with your child a very special Christmas chapel the 4’s will be presenting at 9:15 a.m. on December 12th and 13th in the sanctuary. The Robin’s Nest is participating in a Christmas mission for our Feast clients and Metropolitan Ministries in need. This is a great opportunity to help teach your children the joy of giving. When entering the sanctuary, your child will place the gift he/she helped choose on the stage. The gift should be new, in the range of $5.00 – $10.00 and for a child age infant – 17 years old. Please do not wrap the gift.

All classes will attend one of the following days:

Monday, Dec. 12th at 9:15 a.m.: 3-day 2’s, 3-day 3’s, room 110 and room 104.

Tuesday, Dec. 13th at 9:15 a.m.: 2-day 2’s, 2-day 3’s, 5-day 3’s, room 114 and room 116


On Thursday December 15, at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary, The Robin’s Nest will be    presenting its 20th annual Christmas program; “Mystery at the Manger”. Kelly   Groves and the classroom teachers are working with the children to prepare for this special musical presentation. Please drop your children off promptly at 6:15 p.m. in their classroom.


The Christmas Program on December 15th will be videotaped by Felten Video. Please note that the center aisle of the sanctuary will be roped off the night of the program so that the children’s performance will not be interrupted and the videographer will be able to capture the best possible photos of your children. A great way to enjoy the program and preserve the memories is to pre-purchase the DVD. Look for an order form in your child’s backpack or folder. Additional forms will be available in the Robin’s Nest office.


Wednesday, December 14th

3-day-2’s, 3-day 3’s, room 114, room 116

Thursday December 15th

2-day 2’s, 2-day 3’s, 5-day 3’s, room 110, room 104


All Robin’s Nest students will be dismissed at 12:15 p.m. on Friday, Dec 16th. There will be no Lunch Bunch or Extended Care offered that afternoon.


December 1 & 2          PAC meeting

December 5-9             Santa Shop

December 10              Breakfast with Santa

December 12 & 13      Special Christmas Chapels

December 14 & 15       Classroom Christmas parties

December 19 – Jan. 2   Christmas holidays – school closed

Januayr 3                      Classes resume