Our Curriculum Encourages the Cognitive, Social, Creative and Physical Growth of Your Child

Terrific Twos

We offer two-day (Tuesday/Thursday) classes and three-day (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) classes for the littlest birds in our nest, emphasizing play and social interaction, with hours of 9:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.  The Terrific Twos program provides the children the opportunity to explore and foster independence in a nurturing environment. The class also provides the child with the opportunity to develop cognitively, socially, creatively,  physically, and spiritually, with an emphasis on play and socialization. The twos curriculum is centered on a monthly theme, and the teachers help the children begin to recognize colors and shapes. As the children explore and create they develop language, listening, and large and small motor skills. Art projects, story-time, finger-plays, music, outside play, and movement are all incorporated into the curriculum. Chapel and music class is provided on a weekly basis.


Thrilling Threes

Three year olds’ classes include a two-day (Tuesday/Thursday) class, a three-day (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) class and a five-day class, all from 9:00 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. The 3s program provides the children the opportunity to develop social skills and independence. We introduce the numbers 1-10, we teach the children how to recognize their names, and continue to work on color and shape recognition. Art projects, crafts, and cooking activities correspond to the curriculum themes and holidays. Scissors, manipulatives, and other media are introduced to develop fine motor skills. Chapel is provided for the children’s spiritual growth and development. Music class is provided weekly. Story-time, finger-plays, sensory exploration, outside play, dramatic play, music, and movement are all incorporated into the curriculum.


Fabulous Fours

VPK five-day classes are offered every weekday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. or 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. (extended day class). The Creative Curriculum for Preschool is the blueprint used for the 4s program, which introduces the alphabet to the children through the use of Alpha Tales, Alpha puppets, alphabet movement, the letter bucket, and related activities. Art projects, math, science, and cooking activities correspond with the letter-of-the-week, curriculum themes, and unit of study or holiday. The 4s program encourages continued development of fine motor skills, gross motor skills, language and communication skills, social-emotional development, mathematical thinking, cognitive development, eye-hand coordination, pre-reading, and pre-writing skills. Weekly chapel time is provided for the child’s spiritual growth and development. Music class is provided weekly to nurture creativity. Story-time, finger-plays, sensory exploration, outside play, dramatic play, music, and movement are all incorporated into the curriculum.

Please call the office for more information